Saturday, October 1, 2011

Short-lived Return

Ok, I'm done.  Unfortunately my foot can't handle running quite yet.  I really wanted to be able to do this, but if I'm going to continue doing other kinds of exercise, running will have to be put, yet again, on the back burner.  Hopefully one day I'll come back and really kick it.  Until then, well, someone keep running for me :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm Back!

So, I ran the half-marathon.  It wasn't pretty, but I did it.  Unfortunately it really did a number on my foot and because of that I had to take a break from running for a while.  I finally decided that I was ready to try again and so today I started Couch to 5K again with the hopes of running a 5k around Veteran's Day.

I guess this chubby girl is running again!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Plan B

So, training for a half marathon by running is out, so I've had to move to plan B.  My friend, Sharilyn, told me about a friend of hers that is preparing for a full marathon by using the elliptical and the bike because apparently she has issues as well.  Poor girl.  So this morning I stopped crying and put on my big girl panties and made it to the gym at 5:40 in the morning and did a total of four miles - I started with one mile on the elliptical, then two miles on the bike, and one final mile on the elliptical.  It was so hard not to stroll over to the treadmill and try and run just a little, but I still have some lingering pain in my heel and don't want to mess things up.  If all goes well this week, I might throw in a small run, but doubtful.  Right now the plan is to train this way and not run until the half, but as we all know, plans change so look out for Plan C.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Round 2

Two weeks after the first cortisone shot I was right back in the podiatrist office getting another one.  Yup.  My miracle drug was not so much.  I was told to take it easy and so the following Monday I ran two miles and there was definitely some pain, but manageable and I set off to run three miles on Wednesday morning.  By ten o'clock I was in so much pain I was in tears.  This past week I ran 2.25 miles then 2.75 miles and while running I seemed to be ok, the aftermath was not right.

Along with the shot on this visit came explicit instructions to not run for two weeks.  Supposing at the end of those two weeks everything is hunky doory, I will have exactly four weeks to try and figure out how in the hell to run 13 miles.  It looks like the goal I set which was completely attainable is now needing to be reworked and I don't know how I feel about that.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Meet new best friend.  Heel spurs SUCK!  This has been the worst three weeks, well, not of my life, but it's pretty much been awful.  I've run a total of three miles in the past three weeks and each run brought on pain in my foot that refused to go away without one week non-physical activity and copious amounts of Aleve.  I went to my podiatrist today and she did an ultrasound of my heel to make sure that cortisone shots were necessary.  She measured my inflammation, not sure what the measuring tool was, but she said a 2 was pretty normal, and she only did shots if the inflammation was at least a 4.  What was mine?

8.2.  That's right, more than double what her normal standard is.  Yikes!  Out came the needle and in it went and I yelled, "Mother Effer!"  Really, mother effer.  Seriously.  I don't drop f-bombs.  It hurt like a mofo.  See?  No f word.  So far it's done exactly what the doctor said it would.  A little tingling and burning and getting worse before it's getting better.  Eight hours later and I'm already walking better than I have in weeks.  I can't wait to see what the morning brings and she said I can be running by Monday.  Glory be.  This chubby girl will be running again.  Life is good.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


My conversation with Cat (age: a week shy of 4, though she may not last if she keeps it up) yesterday: Cat: The Earth is REALLY big! Like THIS big! (stretches her arms as wide as they'll go) Me: Wow, that's really big. Cat: Yep! And your butt is this big. (moves her arms in a quarter of an inch on either side - and I'm being generous) Me: Gee, thanks. Cat: But my butt is REALLY small. Like this. (puts her hands so close together there's barely light visible) Me: Uh huh. Just remember, sweet daughter, Karma's a bitch.


So, I went to a podiatrist and she told me that I had plantar fasciitis and did an x-ray of my foot and it was not pretty.  Good news is she said I could start running again, but to listen to my body and if it's not going well, then, well, stop.  I have a few stretching exercises to do a few times a day and a really cool big ass boot to wear at night.  I wore it for the first time last night and it is not very conducive to good sleep.  Oh well.  If it fixes the problem, I'm fine with it.

I did go running this morning and I was totally happy.  I only went 1.43 miles and finished in 18:14 which ends up being 12:45.  I'll take it :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Damn Foot

I took last week off of running because I'm having problems with me right heel.  I'm nervous as hell and not quite sure what to do.  My heel feels like there is a bruise on it and everything I've read says to stay off it, but how the hell does one do that?  I mean, my gosh, I'm constantly doing something...except when I'm watching trash tv.  Sigh.

I ran tonight with Aren, age 11, and he wants to run a 5k so we did C25K W1D1 and ran 1.7 miles.  My heel hurts but is doable with a little ibuprofen and diet coke.  Tomorrow I'm going to run three miles and see what happens.  I've got my six my run...again...on Saturday.  Please let this thing work out.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Run Away With Cirque du Soleil 5K - Race Report

When Kylie and I registered for the race, we'd envisioned a lovely family morning. Dads would hang with the kids and enjoy all of the fun activities (face painting, circus school, etc.), we would run the 5K, and then we'd all go out and enjoy a lovely, fattening, delicious breakfast.

Then reality hit.

Turned out Kylie's oldest had t-ball pictures at the very same time as the race and Martin ended up having to take a last minute business trip. Such is life, right?

I awoke on Saturday morning to the worst weather imaginable. 50 degree temps, with 25 MPH sustained winds and 40+ MPH gusts. Ugh. I was not hopeful. Kylie and I arrived early, picked up our packets, and then got back in the car to wait. It was that icky.

We eventually made it into the facility, where we saw all manner of creepy Cirque characters. Finally, the race started. Lovely course - a few small hills, paved roads, closed to traffic. The only negative was that it was an out and back course so we were only permitted to run on one side. Normally, that is fine but there were a number of morons who had jogging strollers or were walking side-by-side (holding hands! Really?!!?). It required a lot of navigating.

Kylie, despite being sick, left me in the dust about 100 yards into the race.** I managed to keep a strong, steady pace for the 1st half. After the turnaround, I started playing mental games. I wasn't physically tired but my mind wanted to give up. I told myself, I'll run to the 2 mile mark, then walk. OK, I'll run to the 2.5 mile mark and then walk. OK, I'll run til the end of this song and then walk, etc. I didn't end up walking (except for a few brief moments so I could take off my pullover) and pushed hard at the end.

My official finish time was 36:00! That's 2:45 off my PR!!

**Kylie, of course, finished around the 32:00 mark. Sickness? What sickness?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Half Training - Week 4

Great week!  I actually did each run for this week and even completed the five miles without walking!  I'm feeling better about this whole half thing and am confident I'll be able to do my six miles next week :)

Tuesday - 3.5 miles in 47:21
Thursday - 3.5 miles in 46:35
Saturday - 5.0 miles in 66:25

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Half Training - Week 3

This was a hard week.  Rick was out of town from Monday morning until Friday night and so finding time to run was exhausting.  I didn't get my full runs in and I think that made my Saturday run very difficult.  I was scheduled to do five miles, and I did, but I walked some of the way.  Combine the fact that I didn't run 3.5 miles two times this week and add it the fact that the route I ran was downhill for the first three miles and uphill the last two, and well, it was a disaster.  Luckily next week is the same schedule so I can redeem myself.

Wednesday - 3.5 miles in 47:02
Friday - 1.52 miles in 19:01
Saturday - 5.1 miles in 70:27

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I ran my personal best for a 5K distance last night - 38:44.

And then I cried.

This morning, I saw this quote.

"I am not a good runner because I am me. I am a good me because I run" - Kristin Armstrong

And then I cried again.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Half Training - Week 2

Completed week 2 this morning and times are as follows:

Tuesday - 3.1 miles in 40:40
Thursday - 3.1 miles in 40:19
Saturday - 4.0 miles in 52:00

My time improved slightly this week which makes me happy.  I'm nervous for next week because Rick will be out of town which will make getting my runs in a little more tricky, plus they go up 3.5 during the week and 5.0 on Saturday.  Deep breathing - in and and out...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 1 of Training

I finished my first week of my half marathon training today.  My running times are as follows...

Tuesday - 3.1 miles in 41:25
Thursday - 3.0 miles in 39:00
Saturday - 4.0 miles in 53:00

Not too shabby.  I downloaded some new songs which made running a little more fun, plus we have a little running group now and four of us showed up this morning!

As for weight loss, I am down a total of 8.2 pounds this morning and feeling pretty damned good.  Boo-yah!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Tomorrow marks 16 weeks until the Half-Marathon up in Utah and I'm nervous.  I have improved over the past six months...alot actually.  When I first started couch to 5k I thought I would die after my 60 second runs.  I really didn't think running was for me.  This morning I got up and went outside for my run and was actually excited to go.  I LOVE running now.  I even had my best mile time ever - 12:38!

I'm reminding myself daily that four months is enough time to prepare for a 13 mile run, that even if I have to walk a little, it's still 13 miles, and I CAN do hard things.  I'm excited for this journey I'm on and am happy to be sharing it with each of you.  So, here's to 16 weeks of longer runs and happier times!

Monday, February 14, 2011

This run brought to you by...

My new running playlist:

The Rising - Bruce Springsteen (warm up)
Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons
Coming Home - Diddy
Rolling in the Deep - Adele (seriously awesome new release)
Dog Days - Florence + The Machine
Firework - Katy Perry
Lose Yourself - Eminen (a well-placed MFer in a song is always enjoyable during a run!)
I Like It - Enrique Iglesias
Toxic - Britney Spears
Then I Met You - The Proclaimers
All These Things That I've Done - The Killers (cool down)

Tomorrow is my first double workout day - running in the AM, P90X arms and abs workout in the evening. Wish me luck!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Race Report: Mardi Gras Masquerade 5K

I ran in Calico Racing's Mardi Gras Masquerade 5K this morning with my friend Kylie. I was hesitant because I've been sick for the past 2 weeks (diagnosed with pneumonia and a sinus infection less than 10 days ago), am still on antibiotics, and my lungs still feel like they are 40% filled with cotton. However, I'm the one that talked Kylie into registering and I couldn't very well bail at the last minute. Plus, I have done nothing exercise-wise in the past 2 weeks and am feeling very slug-like.

We hit the road at 6:30, driving out to Boulder City for the race. I woke up feeling pretty good (had the first good night's sleep in a week) and ready to go. We arrived on site and I immediately remembered why I love races. Runners are so congenial! And Calico Racing always does really fun themed runs, all of which are family and fat-girl friendly. We picked up our packets and shirts and, because it was a Mardi Gras theme, our beads and masks (next year, we're totally running in tutus too!).

It was an out and back course, with the first mile having rolling hills. I managed to make it to the one mile mark before having to stop to hack up a lung. I had my coughing fit and walked for a few minutes. Was feeling better and started up again, only to be overcome with a wicked stitch in my side. Seriously the worst I've ever expected. I know it was related to my poor breathing but it was so frustrating. Every time I started running, it would start back up. I ended up having to walk nearly a mile before I finally rid myself of it. I pushed hard the last mile and crossed the finish line at 42:14. My goal was to finish in under 45, so I was pleased!

I am feeling pretty good this afternoon - sore but in a good way. Ready to get back on the exercise bandwagon. 2 weeks is the max I'm willing to stay down for illness!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Who Knew!

So, I'm sick, but I've seen what taking a week off can do to this chubby girl's running abilities so I've decided to keep running, all be it two miles, on my running days.  You know what though?  I've had my best times - consistently around a 13 minute mile.  What gives?!  Maybe all that extra sneezing is propelling me forward ;)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's a Good Day!

I went running this morning in the freezing cold again.  I tell you, this cold weather is going to be the death of me.  That being said, I'm thinking my body kinda likes it because I had a great for me run and ran a 13:30 mile!  I'm pretty dang happy with that - and more proof that my 5k was rigged ;)

I've also started doing Weight Watchers to help get my eating more in check and after two weeks on the program I have lost 5.6 pounds!  Definitely not as fast as HCG, but at least with this program I can eat, right?  So, here's to success in the running world and the weight loss world!  Go Team!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What Kind of Runner Are You?

I've been running since September of last year. (I used the term "running" very loosely for the first few months.) Anyway, I'm a run on the track kind of girl since it is way too cold here to run outside and I hate the treadmill. The track I use is pretty small - 9 laps per mile. This, added to the fact that I am the slowest runner on said track, I get to watch as a lot of people run past me. I started noticing each person has there own personal style when it comes to running. So here are a few that I have seen.

The Tip-Toer - No lie, this guy's heels never hit the ground. I couldn't believe it. And let me tell you, his calves were masive.

The Fairy - This person runs with their arms bent at the elbow and held close to the body. But they let their wrists fly free and flap in the wind.

The Matchy Matchers - These are the couples that come to the gym in matching outfits. My favorite was the man that was in white shirt, black pants, white shoes and the woman in black shirt, white pants and black shoes. Pretty fancy. I felt like I was back in High School during spirit week.

The I Can't Decide What I'm Doing - This is the person that irks me. This person is a fast walker. I don't mind that you are walking fast on the track, just don't pass me while I am running!

What kind of runner am I? Who knows? You'd have to ask the people that pass me everyday on the track.

Five Miles!

Yeah, that's right!  This chubby girl just ran five one time...without stopping!  It took me exactly 70 minutes to do it, but I cannot believe that five months ago I could barely run 30 seconds without feeling like I was going to drop dead.  I am amazing.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A good run!

So, because I did not run for a week I was thinking that I was going to have to start C25k week 3 all over again, well once I got to the gym I decided to just go with week 4 and slow down my running speed from 5.5 to 5.0 I am so thankful I decided to say to hell with it and go for it, because it turned out to be an incredible run, inspite of the fact that I had to pee the entire time that I was running, on my last 5 min run I accidently pushed stop on my program so I ended up running almost 2 min longer than I was supposed to, I am so thankful that I have incredible friends who have inspired me to start running again, I had forgotten how much I truly enjoy it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Uphill...Both Ways!

This morning was a hard run.  It was sub-freezing temps, the wind was blowing in my face while going uphill, AND I forgot my gloves.  But I made it.  Week 5 Day 1 of Bridge to 10K is complete.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Yup, that's the time of my 5k this morning!  I'm still not convinced it was actually 3.1 miles or maybe the clock was wrong, but either way.  I'm owning this time.  Look long and hard, because you will never see it again ;)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I miss running!

This week has been a tough week, I have not been able to run at all, due to kids being sick and my car not working, I have come to realize that I really enjoy the 3 days a week that I get to put my headphones in my ears and tune the world out while I listen to the Black Eyed Peas and literally run my butt off (atleast that is what I am telling myself.) I am really hoping that Dale is able to fix my car by Saturday so I can sneak off to the gym and run.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You're Welcome

You know what I've noticed?  People are really friendly at 5:30 in the morning when I'm running.  Everyone says hi and smiles - some people even tell me good job as I run...very encouraging.

You know what I'm wondering?  Is everyone always that nice or are people especially nice to the chubbies running at 5:30 in the morning.  Either way, to all the people whose days I make a little brighter, you're welcome.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I'm semi-obsessed with Florence + The Machine lately (and, FTR, I liked them way before the SNL appearance and Glee cover).

While I love every song on the album, "Dog Days" has been first on my running playlist for quite some time for this lyric alone:

"Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father, run for your children, all your sisters and your brothers. Leave all your love and your longing behind, you can't carry it with you if you want to survive."

So that's why I run. For all the people in my life who couldn't (or still can't) run - my dad who blew out both knees seeking NCAA glory on the college basketball court, for my brother who battled cancer at age 26, for my friend Kit who was wheelchair-bound way too early and succumbed to MS before his 40th birthday, for Hannah and Lily who run with angel's wings, and for my daughter who can't yet keep up but watches and learns and will soon leave me in the dust.

Friday, January 14, 2011


I ran this morning for sixty minutes and fifty-three seconds and during that time I ran 4.6 miles.  I'm pretty damned stoked!  At this pace I can run my half marathon in June in under three hours!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Everyone knows that your children always are better for other people.  People continually tell me what a doll my three year old Tatiana is and I just laugh and say thank you, knowing full well when we get home she will turn into the holy terror she is, especially when she loses a mini game on Mario Party 8 for the Wii.  Yes, she plays the Wii, don't judge.

Anyways, I couldn't help but think of this as I was running this morning.  I ran a new route this morning that was less sidewalks and more "multi-use path" but which also took me along major streets and crosswalks.  I noticed that as I approached each crosswalk my pace got a little quicker, my step a little peppier.  It wasn't hard to deduce that I was running for other people at that point.  I wanted everyone at the stoplight to see that I was an amazing runner, truth or not.

So here's my thought.  Do you think they could plan a half-marathon course in nothing but crosswalks?  I think I could totally kick it.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


So this morning during my hour long "wog", it's a walking jog, my mind was going every which direction and I was trying to figure out at the 3.5 mile mark how I was ever going to run 13 miles.  And then I remembered that four months ago I didn't understand how people could run five minutes in a row and I decided it won't be that bad...hopefully.

Friday, January 7, 2011

What the Hell!

I don't know what my problem is lately but I have no, zero, ziltch, desire to run.  Part of the problem is I'm getting really good sleep at night - so good in fact I hate getting up.  I'm the type of person that sleeps because it's what expected of them.  I'm normally an early riser - like 5 or 5:30 - and I like it because I can get things done early and cruise around the rest of the day.  But lately I've been going to bed and I have to set an alarm, something I rarely do, to force my lazy ace out of bed.  Sigh.

Needless to say, I didn't actually finish Week 2 Day 2 of B210K (I did come close), but I have tomorrow and I can sleep and still get up and not have to worry about children getting off to school or husbands to work or babies coming over to be watched.  I can just get up and run...and sleep.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What's Worse?

1. The fact that I have to wear a Poise pad to make it through the jump rope and jumping jack sections of 30 Day Shred without having pants wet to the knees.

2. The fact that I'm 32 years old and have Poise pads on hand.

3. The fact that your kid tells you during every move, "Wow, Mom, this is really easy for me! Why are you so sweaty?"

4. All of the above.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Little Red House Around the Corner

When I was a kid, we'd play "Little Red House Around the Corner." Little Red House Around The Corner was a game my mom invented to get my brother and I to shut the hell up. Anytime my mom would yell "Little Red House Around The Corner" at us, we'd have a contest to see how quiet we could be. As an adult looking back, I think this was pretty ingeneous of my mom, at least until we got old enough and smart-assy enough to respond to her with gales of laughter instead of silence.

My husband has worked extremely late the last two nights, which does not facilitate exercise since I've got no one to wrangle my nearly 4 year old. I work more than full-time and, frankly, I'm not willing to get up even a 1/2 hour earlier to workout. So after work it is. Problem is that I'm equally lazy (if not more so) at night than I am in the morning so if I don't exercise as soon as I walk in the door, it doesn't get done. However, since I rock, I've powered through for the past two days. Yep, two days. Impressive, aren't I?

Last night it was 30 Day Shred, accompanied by a little girl using two remote controls as hand weights who thought it was hilarious to try and climb on my back for a horsie ride while I was doing push ups.

Tonight, I restarted the C25K program (in anticipation of then starting the 1/2 marathon training program). I'd classify myself as an intermediate runner. I mean, it's been a while since I was running regularly but I did complete a 1/2 marathon last year, so it's not like I'm a slug either. So I figured it would be no big thing to hop on the treadmill tonight. It took me about 30 seconds to realize (1) the treadmill effing sucks; (2) trying to run on a treadmill while simultaneously supervising your child effing sucks; (3) trying to concentrate on breathing, form and when the hell I'm supposed to be walking and running while simultaneously trying to avoid an accidental amputation of my child's fingers because -OMG- she just can't keep her hands away from the machine effing sucks; (4) running with only one earphone in so you can keep up a conversation with your child effing sucks; (5) and having your kid talk non-stop during your entire work out ("Heymomdidyouseethatwatchthisheymomwasn'tthatcoolheymomlook!") effing sucks.

At around 28 minutes, I was gasping for breath and screaming "Little Red House Around the Corner!!!!"

It didn't work.

My husband has promised to be home by 6pm tomorrow night.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Just a Penguin

So I finished week one of bridge to 10k today and I feel pretty good.  I'm excited to start mapping out running routes longer than three miles, so next week should make me feel accomplished.

I did stumble upon something while running this morning.  Every day is a struggle to get out and run.  Not because I don't enjoy it, but because there's that part of me that says I shouldn't be doing this - that little voice that says I'm too chunky, I'm too slow, I look ridiculous.  So far the other part of me is winning but I wonder how long it will take before all of me realizes that it's ok to get out there and run, even if I am just a penguin.