Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fat girls *do* run...

Well, at least this one.

I'm back on the C25K bandwagon (just finished week2, who cares if it actually took me 4 weeks?), going semi-low-carb (ie: nothing white and limited whole grain servings).

So, I'll be back to posting regularly with my playlists, daughter's antics, whining, and (hopefully) some scale victories!

Hear that, my fellow posters? The gauntlet has been thrown.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Short-lived Return

Ok, I'm done.  Unfortunately my foot can't handle running quite yet.  I really wanted to be able to do this, but if I'm going to continue doing other kinds of exercise, running will have to be put, yet again, on the back burner.  Hopefully one day I'll come back and really kick it.  Until then, well, someone keep running for me :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm Back!

So, I ran the half-marathon.  It wasn't pretty, but I did it.  Unfortunately it really did a number on my foot and because of that I had to take a break from running for a while.  I finally decided that I was ready to try again and so today I started Couch to 5K again with the hopes of running a 5k around Veteran's Day.

I guess this chubby girl is running again!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Plan B

So, training for a half marathon by running is out, so I've had to move to plan B.  My friend, Sharilyn, told me about a friend of hers that is preparing for a full marathon by using the elliptical and the bike because apparently she has issues as well.  Poor girl.  So this morning I stopped crying and put on my big girl panties and made it to the gym at 5:40 in the morning and did a total of four miles - I started with one mile on the elliptical, then two miles on the bike, and one final mile on the elliptical.  It was so hard not to stroll over to the treadmill and try and run just a little, but I still have some lingering pain in my heel and don't want to mess things up.  If all goes well this week, I might throw in a small run, but doubtful.  Right now the plan is to train this way and not run until the half, but as we all know, plans change so look out for Plan C.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Round 2

Two weeks after the first cortisone shot I was right back in the podiatrist office getting another one.  Yup.  My miracle drug was not so much.  I was told to take it easy and so the following Monday I ran two miles and there was definitely some pain, but manageable and I set off to run three miles on Wednesday morning.  By ten o'clock I was in so much pain I was in tears.  This past week I ran 2.25 miles then 2.75 miles and while running I seemed to be ok, the aftermath was not right.

Along with the shot on this visit came explicit instructions to not run for two weeks.  Supposing at the end of those two weeks everything is hunky doory, I will have exactly four weeks to try and figure out how in the hell to run 13 miles.  It looks like the goal I set which was completely attainable is now needing to be reworked and I don't know how I feel about that.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Meet new best friend.  Heel spurs SUCK!  This has been the worst three weeks, well, not of my life, but it's pretty much been awful.  I've run a total of three miles in the past three weeks and each run brought on pain in my foot that refused to go away without one week non-physical activity and copious amounts of Aleve.  I went to my podiatrist today and she did an ultrasound of my heel to make sure that cortisone shots were necessary.  She measured my inflammation, not sure what the measuring tool was, but she said a 2 was pretty normal, and she only did shots if the inflammation was at least a 4.  What was mine?

8.2.  That's right, more than double what her normal standard is.  Yikes!  Out came the needle and in it went and I yelled, "Mother Effer!"  Really, mother effer.  Seriously.  I don't drop f-bombs.  It hurt like a mofo.  See?  No f word.  So far it's done exactly what the doctor said it would.  A little tingling and burning and getting worse before it's getting better.  Eight hours later and I'm already walking better than I have in weeks.  I can't wait to see what the morning brings and she said I can be running by Monday.  Glory be.  This chubby girl will be running again.  Life is good.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


My conversation with Cat (age: a week shy of 4, though she may not last if she keeps it up) yesterday: Cat: The Earth is REALLY big! Like THIS big! (stretches her arms as wide as they'll go) Me: Wow, that's really big. Cat: Yep! And your butt is this big. (moves her arms in a quarter of an inch on either side - and I'm being generous) Me: Gee, thanks. Cat: But my butt is REALLY small. Like this. (puts her hands so close together there's barely light visible) Me: Uh huh. Just remember, sweet daughter, Karma's a bitch.