Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 1 of Training

I finished my first week of my half marathon training today.  My running times are as follows...

Tuesday - 3.1 miles in 41:25
Thursday - 3.0 miles in 39:00
Saturday - 4.0 miles in 53:00

Not too shabby.  I downloaded some new songs which made running a little more fun, plus we have a little running group now and four of us showed up this morning!

As for weight loss, I am down a total of 8.2 pounds this morning and feeling pretty damned good.  Boo-yah!


  1. Boo-yah, indeed! When are you going to share your freaking awesome speed increase?

  2. I should do this with you guys. I want to run a 10K and have NEVER run 4! Go MaryBeth! I did think you've been running for a lot longer than a week, though. Way to go on the 8.2 lbs!

  3. Denise, I've been running for a few months now, but I just started training last week. I'm following a twelve week program to get me ready for the half marathon in June.
